Latest Gaming Topics

Will I have to reconnect my Xbox one if I do a factory reset?

The login process to my wifi hotspot is just too complicated, I won't go into details, but it doesn't stop at just typing a password. I don't want to do that, b

How do you activate mods for the new Skyrim: Special Edition for Xbox One?

So I just got the new Skyrim game for Xbox One and I can't figure out how to get the mods to work. I've already downloaded a couple and when I loaded up the gam

What traits do the Dwemer have in Elder Scrolls' lore?

I'd like to know what traits the Dwemer have in terms of character creation on the ES games. For example, Wood Elves are good at archery. Is it known what the D

Limit Skyrim Special Edition FPS to 60

So I have an issue (a common one) that if Skyrim goes over 60 fps, it will start to show issues with the game (for example colliding items, functions not workin

How to see past war table missions?

Is there a way to look up which missions I have previously completed on the war table? For example, I can't remember if I sent the chargers to Redcliffe and aft

Was it possible to rename characters in the original NES Final Fantasy?

I was reading through an article about bugs in Final Fantasy and it brought back memories of playing the NES game. In the manual, it recommended that players ju

How do I replicate this unlimited magicka glitch?

I was fighting a Draugr Deathlord in a dungeon (where they are mostly found), and I'd been disarmed. I used unrelenting force to shout him onto a ledge. I took

Can I download a game from EU E-shop on the Wii U whilst in Australia?

I don't have a Wii U yet but am after a specific game (underground), only available on EU E-shop, but I live in Australia. Is there a way to buy Wii U here, the

Is Sombra fully invisible when using her Thermoptic Camo

(This question is mostly FYI for this community of what I gather from Blizcon, also here are her skills. Source is an Overwatch Developer on a live stream just

Is there any point in leveling up the Monkey King past level 3?

In Tapps games' Monkey Evolution, you get the Monkey King by combining two Belzebaboons, and each time after that you combine two Belzebaboons to level him up.

Will I permanently lose P.T. if I uninstall it?

I have P.T. installed on my PS4, but I am worried if I delete it. Since P.T. was removed from the PlayStation Store, if I uninstall it, will I be able to reinst

What will happen when I ignite the flammable gas for Keely?

I'm currently exploring Vault 22 for a couple of quests: There Stands the Grass and I Could Make You Care. I've just spoken with Keely and downloaded the experi

Pilot won't wall run, but rather wall hangs

I'm having an issue with TitanFall2. I'm in campaign mode. It seems for the past bit, my pilot has only been able to wall hang and not wall run. I get my pilot

Social Club black screens, and I can't play GTA V

Recently my copy of GTA V decided to stop working. The launcher goes straight to a black screen after loading for a few minutes. I haven't been able to play sin

Does Sombra's 'Opportunist' passive have a range?

Sombra's passive, Opportunist, allows her to view critically inured enemies through walls. When I was given a chance to play at Blizzcon, I didn't even notic

What's the maximum amount of side quests you can complete in Majora's Mask in a 3 day cycle?

How many side quests can you complete in a single 3 day cycle, after you have done all of the dungeons and have all the masks? Think of it like, how many quests

LoL Replays not running on mid end PC (PH SERVER)

So I Installed LoL replays. followed the instructions, and the started a game VS AI. My first experience was, it was very lag, but its AI so I went through it.

How do i get farmers to replant what i want to have them replant

So farmers will replant seeds when they harvest their crop but how do i make them replant what i want them to replant. Say they,re replanting with wheat seeds b

Running gta 4 in smoothly in inbuilt graphics (intel) [duplicate]

My pc specifications : Display: Intel 82945G Express chipset Family Ram :2 gb Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 @2.20GHz 32 Bit windows 7

Why am I getting an 'unexpected token' error with this Minecraft /give command?

I'm trying to make a sign that you can right click and it will clear cacti from your inventory, then give you 18 cookies named "$100 Cookie" with the lore "$100

Why won't survival villagers breed?

I have tried everything from this question, but still, my villagers won't breed. I entered my survival world temporarily in creative mode to take these screens

GTA V won't load online

I've been playing GTA V online for a while after I installed the game I took it out. When I put in GTA V after playing something else it took me to story mode.

How will system transfer affect my Pokémon X (and other games') data?

Last Christmas, my friend gave me her old Nintendo 3DS as a present and I've loved it ever since. However, she forgot to transfer her data over. Now, one year l

Steam Voice Chat Problem - Sound Bar Moving, No Sound

I have a weird problem with voice chat in Steam that nobody else seems to have. I've read a lot of posts on Steam voice chat problems that start to sound like t

Is it possible to change your voice?

Ok so I have been playing Star Wars the Old Republic for at least a year now. But right now I need the help of a seasoned SWTOR veteran. Is there any way to cha

I can't leave a comment or star levels, why?

Could it be because the one I'm trying to star or comment uses my same system?

Mysterious creeper-like explosions

When I play on my Hard difficulty survival world, part of the ceiling of my blacksmith's keeps missing blocks. What's interesting is that it looks like a creep

Will my romanced companion still be romanced if I join the Institute? (Fallout4)

So I romanced Maccready in Fallout4. I also just joined the Institute. But I'm wondering, if the institute is so secret, will Maccready still be romanced with m

Is there a way to prevent Triss and Yennifer trapping Geralt in the Witcher 3, after you have romanced them both?

I have romanced both characters, but I didn't realise this would impact the storyline and I have since decided that I wanted the so called 'Yennifer ending'. Is

PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator won't let me link my account/login. Why?

So, I just got a new phone and wanted to use the app on it. I looked up how to use the same account, followed the steps (start a new game, click on "link accoun