Latest Gaming Topics

How do I pull off the item duplication glitch consistently?

I am attempting to speedrun the game (and maybe beat the WR some day), and my runs keep halting relatively early on because of one factor: I'm trying to utiliz

How to tell when star bonus will be available

Is there a way to tell how much longer until star bonus is available? According to here it resets after 24 hours, so I guess if you remember which how man succe

Why can't I transfer my Pokemon from GBA to DS?

I am encountering a problem transferring my Pokemon via the GBA slot in my Nintendo DS. I already checked that they are the same language and have the official

Ironhaul Trail passage with Disfavoured

I didn't go to Lethian's Crossing during the Conquest, and sided with the Disfavoured during the first Act. It would seem, that the only way to go through is by

How do I defeat Morokei the dragon priest?

I have been doing the College of WinterHold quest line and I came across the dragon priest seen in the title. However when I got to him I noticed that the ghost

What effect does Companion Fear have?

My companions have both a Loyalty and Fear bar under Reputations. So far it looks like Loyalty makes them more likely to open up to me about things, but I have

What effect does Faction Wrath have?

Factions have both a Favor and Wrath bar under Reputations. So far it looks like Favor makes them more likely to tell me things, and makes them nicer to me, bu

Can I install Dishonored 2 exclusively from CD without additional downloads?

I recently purchased a physical copy of Dishonored 2. Now I wanted to install the game from the CD as its roughly 37 GB and my internet download speed is horrib

Full list of item changes in new game+x of DS2

What are all the item changes you can see in second and following playthroughs in DS2? And which of them are present in the old "Dark Souls 2" game and which ar

What are options to increase difficulty?

What are all options to increase difficulty of Dark Souls 2? I mean game mechanics, not self-imposed limitations like "don't use a shield". I know about: Reac

How can I launch straight into multiplayer?

Many games offer launch options to skip the intro movies and launch straight into the multiplayer menu. Is there something similar for Titanfall 2?

Share save files between computers

Ok, so I searched the site and found some semi-relevant topics, but nothing to specifically answer my question. What I'm trying to do is play Oblivion on two

Is there a way to check how many consecutive days I've gotten the Daily Bonus?

I know that if you spin a Pokestop or catch a Pokemon every day for 7 days straight, you get a huge bonus of Stardust and Experience. Is there a way to see ho

Why can I hear the music but no sound effects?

I can hear the title screen music and the in-game music but no sound effects like clicking or anything else that differs from music. That's really killing the a

Do you get credit for the Nexus Challenge quests if you add somebody on your team as a friend during draft?

If you're playing draft (e.g. Hero League) do you get credit toward the Nexus Challenge quests (play 15/30 games with a friend) if you and one of your teammates

Who resets the email address that I'm locked out of? [closed]

My grandson created a Pokemon Go acct on my Iphone some time ago using his school email address and tried too many time to log in yesterday. T

Does the lumberjack in Clash Royale do anything special against the log?

I've always wondered this and watched many many games trying to see it happen, but I've yet to see evidence of it. Does the lumberjack do anything special if i

Why did my Inquisitor increase the foreign religion?

I had a religion, somewhat like taoism. A bunch of apostles came to my main city and converted more than half of my people. Afterwards, I went with an Inquisito

Do amiibo cards require an amiibo reader/writer?

I have an old 3DS XL, and I recently downloaded the new AC:NL update. I understand that the amiibo cards can now do some neat things, but I don't want to buy a

In 1.11, how do you summon a Skeleton Trap?

In 1.10, I was using the command: /summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~ {SkeletonTrap:1b,SkeletonTrapTime:1b} I like that this command creates the trap "naturally". So,

How do I find my town's value?

With the latest update (Welcome amiibo), the ability to sell your town for bells was introduced. However, I am fearful of accidentally deleting my town. How do

How do I use a Kinect as a mic while using headphones?

I recently moved my Xbox One to my computer monitor instead of my TV. I want to use a headset, so I plugged it into the jack on my controller. The problem is my

What Can I Do About Squalor in Total War?

This question is specifically for Total War: Medieval 2, but I would imagine it can apply to most, if not all, of the Total War games. Since I lost my last pl

What can mine Ardite and Cobalt?

In Modded Minecraft FTB HermitPack 1.10, the mod "Tinkers' Construct" adds both Cobalt Ore and Ardite Ore. According to the FTB Wiki, to mine these ores, you ne

Is there any down side to robbing black markets?

I found out in mission 2 that I can rob the black market. It takes extra work up front, but after opening the door, are there any downsides to robbing the black

Can I repurpose a room? [duplicate]

I made a storage room, but now I can't have my kid live in the house I built. Is there anyway I could change the storage room into a child's r

What do the recipes do?

Do the recipes that you collect from the end Candy Land do anything? I can't tell if my luchadors are any more powerful, or if I just know how to make a delici

What is the reason for the thing you get in Stiltons manor to pulsate?

After you're finished in the Dust District you come to Aramis Stiltons Manor and get the Timepiece. I noticed it pulsating in the same manner as the hea

How fast is Time running in Majora's Mask?

I'm just wondering if anybody knows which is the time equivalent from Majora's Mask (N64) to real time? If an in-game day is finished how much real time is spe

Can I fast travel a stolen car to my fortress?

In Mad Max I've captured a scrap car and was wondering can I fast travel the car to my fortress and get the bounty on it, or will I just go there myself without