Does Nova spoil Legacy?

Does Nova spoil Legacy? - Hands Putting the Plant on a Clear Glass Bowl

I'm not finished playing the single player campaign of Legacy of the Void, but I was thinking about playing Nova Covert Ops on a different computer (e.g. on the road), but I'm worried about spoilers for the LotV story whilst playing Nova. Are there any? Or does it take place in the past or something so there isn't any spoiler?

Best Answer

Judging by 6 missions (last 3 are not released yet), the story of Nova: Covert Ops does not overlap the main storyline of the trilogy. Covert Ops take place either after or during Legacy of the Void.

Nova does meet a couple of characters from the main story, though, and while Nova does not know them, it is assumed that the player does. If you are pretty far through LotV (say, you have unlocked all units), it is OK to start Covert Ops.

Pictures about "Does Nova spoil Legacy?"

Does Nova spoil Legacy? - Top view composition of yummy pink and blue candy dots placed on pink background
Does Nova spoil Legacy? - From above of half of rotten avocado covered with pink glitter placed on green background in studio
Does Nova spoil Legacy? - Man showing rotten avocado with pink glitter

How to play shadow events with low grade players (trick) Nova legacy update 10

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Anna Shvets, Karolina Grabowska, Ivan Babydov, Ivan Babydov