Does Sombra's 'Opportunist' passive have a range?

Does Sombra's 'Opportunist' passive have a range? - Women Sitting on Green Grass Field

Sombra's abilities

Sombra's passive, Opportunist, allows her to view critically inured enemies through walls. When I was given a chance to play at Blizzcon, I didn't even notice she had this passive until I saw the skill list she has.

How far exactly will Opportunist allow her to see through walls? Is this a global map-wide ability that allows her to view critically-injured enemies from anywhere on the map, or does she need to be at least in somewhat close proximity?

Best Answer

It seems to be map wide.

Just to add to NBO's answer : Honnestly, it's probably her only real gameplay that she will have waiting for her ult. Don't forget that :

  • She's a tracer without 3 blinks.
  • Her stealth has a delay where she can get knocked out of it.

Pictures about "Does Sombra's 'Opportunist' passive have a range?"

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Does Sombra's 'Opportunist' passive have a range? - Mountain Peak Under Full Moon
Does Sombra's 'Opportunist' passive have a range? - Girl And Boy Having Fun While Reading A Book

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Elina Fairytale, Pixabay, DreamLens Production, Yaroslav Shuraev