What champions scale the best in League of Legends

What champions scale the best in League of Legends - Athletes Wearing Medals

In League of Legends I know different champions have different strengths in the game. I want to know what champions, maybe top 20, scale the best. This means that they are weak early but are strong later in the game. Example: Kayle is a champion that at level 1 has melee attacks and does little damage, but at level 6, 11, and 16 she gets stronger like more attack speed, ranged attacks, and waves of damage. I want to know if other champions scale like this.

Best Answer

The answer will change every other patch. To find out the current meta for late game champions and for a more statistical approach to this question, you can refer to this graph on lolalytics (and some other stat sites).

Example: Rek'Sai is notorious for being a menace early and falling off after players start grouping up. It's well represented in her chart. reksai's win rate chart

Similarly, Kassadin who's infamous for being a late game champion has his win rate climb up steadily throughout the game. Kassadin win rate chart

League has an API for this which lolalytics is using to get it's data, you can probably write one on your own to compare it as well.

Pictures about "What champions scale the best in League of Legends"

What champions scale the best in League of Legends - Overjoyed Men in Red Jerseys Wearing Their Medals
What champions scale the best in League of Legends - Men Wearing Medals
What champions scale the best in League of Legends - Variety of Sport Trophies

Quick Answer about "What champions scale the best in League of Legends"

  • Veigar.
  • Ryze.
  • Vayne.
  • Kassadin.
  • Kayle.

What is the best champion to Main in lol?

  • The best champions to main in the top lane are Camille, Shen, Gangplank, Kayle and Fiora. ...
  • Jungle monsters this season are Nunu , Lee Sin, Fiddlesticks, Viego and Diana. ...
  • Mid Lane kings and queens this season are Sylas, Cassiopeia, Twisted Fate, Annie and Leblanc.

What top laners scale the best?

1. Vayne. An ADC built for the Top Lane, Vayne is genuinely a work of art. Once players discovered how much she could scale when played in a solo Lane, her tradition as an ADC was quickly forgotten.

Who is the hardest LOL champion to play?

12 Hardest Champions to Master in League of Legends
  • Gangplank.
  • Zoe.
  • Rengar.
  • Qiyana.
  • Taliyah.
  • Riven.
  • Azir.
  • Aphelios.

What is a scaling champion?

Scaling refers to the rate that a champion is able to get stronger as a match goes on. This is influenced by several things such as farm, items, and kit. Just as every champion has a unique batch of abilities, they also have their own unique starting stats and stat growth rates.

10 STRONGEST LATE GAME CHAMPIONS in League of Legends - Season 11

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Images: RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions