What's the fastest way to reach maximum Renown in Shadowlands?

What's the fastest way to reach maximum Renown in Shadowlands? - Bird's Eye View Of Roadway Surrounded By Trees

In Shadowlands, players can join a covenant, and have access to a conduit tree that augments their character's fighting ability. As you gain renown with your covenant this conduit tree is unlocked further and further, thus increasing your character's overall combat ability (increased DPS, HPS, or survivability.)

I've got an alt account that's at around 50 renown (the max is currently 80) and I want to reach the renown cap on it as quickly as possible so that I can hop into higher-leveled mythic dungeons, but I don't really have a bunch of time to play at the moment. I've tried running Looking For Raid and killing the relevant bosses but in some groups this is pretty slow, and I feel like there must be better ways to quickly get renown.

What's the fastest method for reaching maxed renown? If multiple methods are similarly quick, what one's the easiest/lowest effort?

Best Answer

On Patch 9.1, it turns out that there's really no "low effort" way to quickly reach maximum renown. There are, however, some quick (albeit very grind-intensive) ways to do so, though.

After Patch 9.2, there is a much easier way, though, as Nzall explains.

Skip to Renown 60

If you have at least one character on your account that has 80 renown with any covenant, you can buy the Broker Mark of Distinction, available for purchase from Au'Dara, which is Blizzard account-bound and instantly jumps your Renown to 60 on your current covenant choice.

Torghast, Layers 9/12

The quickest method is to spam layer 9 Torghast runs. The layer's end boss has a high chance of dropping an Emblem of Renown, and thus by very quickly travelling to each floor's end boss, killing it, then quickly continuing onward to the next floor will net you a lot of Renown per hour.

This requires decent gear (around 200 item level) to be efficient and to have a lower chance of dying, though. If you don't have decent gear, you should look elsewhere for Renown, as you'll either continuously die to the somewhat difficult enemies when running solo, or do little damage such that the runs take too long to complete.

Weekly World Bosses/Quests

You get an Emblem of Renown for defeating the current world bosses for the week. One is located in one of the Shadowlands realms, while another is in the Maw.

Within the Maw, there are covenant assaults you can participate in which take a moderate amount of time to complete. There are two covenant assaults per week, and each will grant you an Emblem of Renown.

Additionally, there are two weekly quests you can get at your covenant sanctum, one that requires you collect 1,000 anima, and one that requires you collect 20 souls from the Maw. The soul collection quest is also repeatable.

Altogether, these account for 6 renown if you complete them all before the weekly reset on Tuesday.

Looking For Raid (LFR) Runs

Running the LFR queue for the current raid tier seems to be fairly quick, and if the gear at that level is beneficial, you do have a chance of getting helpful upgrades. Each boss you kill has a high chance (if not 100% chance) to drop an Emblem of Renown. Unfortunately, this is heavily dependent upon how decent the group you've queued into is, as inexperienced players might die and delay how quickly you complete the run.

This is also gated as you can only get loot from a specific raid boss on a specific difficulty once per week, so for the current raid tier (Sanctum of Domination) you can only get 10 Renown when running LFR. This is largely recommended for players who would have a chance of getting a gear upgrade from the runs, and not as a primary way of gaining renown.

Covenant Campaign / Story Quests

Blizzard's most recent changes to Renown catchup have allowed you to put less emphasis on your covenant campaign, but the campaign itself is still a decent way to get Renown. Every couple of quest completions you'll get one Emblem of Renown. The downside to this method is that it's fairly slow for some covenants, and if you're like me and already familiar with the story, this is extraordinarily boring. At least it's easy and somewhat consistent.

Pictures about "What's the fastest way to reach maximum Renown in Shadowlands?"

What's the fastest way to reach maximum Renown in Shadowlands? - Bird's Eye View Of City
What's the fastest way to reach maximum Renown in Shadowlands? - Contemporary building on illuminated city street near port at night
What's the fastest way to reach maximum Renown in Shadowlands? - Back view of unrecognizable traveler with stylish dreadlocks spinning steering wheel while driving car and reflecting in small mirror

How do you get Renown up fast in Shadowlands?

How to Start Catch-up Renown
  • Completing some Covenant Callings. ...
  • Killing the weekly World Boss. ...
  • Completing levels in Torghast.
  • Completing the following dungeon tasks:
  • Queuing for and completing a random dungeon or LFR.
  • Completing the Oribos quests to run dungeons that provide reputation from your Covenant.

  • What is the fastest way to gain renown?

    Easiest way if you're not in a rush is just dailies every 3 days, do the weeklys like 1000 anima, collect souls, world bosses are all guaranteed. Few hours of effort a week for a few weeks. On my freshly dinged alt, lvl 60 since yesterday late evening, i hit renown 80 today.

    What is the fastest way to farm renown wow?

    By and large, you have a chance to earn renown from almost any activity: random normals, random heroic, m0, m+, raids of all kinds, pvp, torghast. If you don't want to do torghast, low m+ is the best. Or wait a few days and just do 2-3 callings.

    How long does it take to get 44 Renown Shadowlands?

    Remember, Renown is a time-gated system, so as of Shadowlands Patch 9.1 we'll only be able to reach Rank 44 on the second week, and so on. If you keep up with those two weekly Covenant quests and the campaign you'll always increase your Renown to the highest rank for that week.

    what. (Bo Burnham FULL SHOW HD)

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Joshua Welch, Nour Betar, Erik Mclean, Rachel Claire