Does the sequence of enemies chosen impact your rare card chance?

Does the sequence of enemies chosen impact your rare card chance? - Feathers Besides a Sealed Invitation Card

While watching this overexplained replay, the player commented on how he chose a particular path with the belief that 'spreading out' elite fights in betwixt your normal enemies would increase the chance of finding more rare card(s).

Slay the spire pulls its card picks by first rolling for a type (common, uncommon, or rare) and then by pulling a random card from said type, with each type member having equal probability. The type roll is weighted random, in the following way:

There's a hidden variable c, the common counter. Probabilities of cards start at P = [-2%, 37%, 63%] for rare, uncommon, common cards respectively. Whenever a common card is rolled, in pseudocode:

if(P[0] < 43%) P[0] += 1%; 
if(P[0] > 0% && P[0] < 43%) P[2] -= 1%;

Whenever a rare card is rolled, the probabilities reset to the base values of P = [-2%, 37%, 63%] again. On elite fights, the rare chance is modified: it is instead P[0] + 10% while the common chance is P[2] - 10%. In shops, it is P[0] + 6% and P[2] - 6%

The chart below illustrates the mechanic very insightfully:

![Graph of rare card chance

At the start of each Act, the chance of finding a Rare card is also reset, due to bosses always dropping a choice between 3 rares.


At the start of the act, the player will typically decide which path to take through the act, which to start from. When planning ahead, it may be insightful to know whether or not the specific sequence of enemies will impact the expected number of rare cards received.

We want to maximize the above. Does a sequence like rrrErrrE "spreading out the elite fights" compare favourably to one such as rrrEErrr "bunching them up"?

Pictures about "Does the sequence of enemies chosen impact your rare card chance?"

Does the sequence of enemies chosen impact your rare card chance? - Blackboard with YOUR LIFE MATTERS inscription on black background
Does the sequence of enemies chosen impact your rare card chance? - Chessboard with chess pieces and game of cards
Does the sequence of enemies chosen impact your rare card chance? - Assorted Playing Cards on Brown Wooden Surface

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Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: RODNAE Productions, Brett Sayles, Laker, Rusanthan Harish