Latest Gaming Topics

Why is my social policy cost so high?

So I am brand new to Civ 5 and the Civ games in general. I've watched a couple tutorials on youtube and that's about it. I started playing the "walk me through

What do I do when I run out of Pokeballs?

I'm halfway through level five but I have no pokeballs left. When I try to access a pokestop it says collect more pokestop modules. How do I do that? Also I wou

Why are there no Pokémon near me?

I see pictures online of everyone having all these Pokémon to catch being everywhere around them, but it seems like I can only ever see one or two. I liv

Is there a reward for building a colony on a more dangerous planet?

I am currently considering where to start building my first colony. Building on a less dangerous planet would certainly be less stressful. But is it as rewardin

Grimer in Arena let the game crash

Today i was at a arena. A player from the red team put a Grimer there, which causes my game to crash every time I select the arena (Samsung Galaxy S4 mini). All

If I respec skills with a skill at level 4 ready to be morphed will I keep my progress?

So I've got a few skills at level 4 unmorphed ready to be morphed, if I respecced would I still be ready to morph them?

What are all of the controls?

I just purchased this game and I'd like to know ALL of the controls.

Can't collect Pokemon Go gym rewards

I can't collect my gym rewards at the moment. Its says collect 3. I click on it and it goes white then back to green with no rewards. Then I start to lose the g

Is there a way to change displayed buttons?

Is there a way to make the displayed buttons keyboard keys instead of Xbox buttons? Here is what I mean. Like basicly, I mean the buttons used to guide you o

New liset segment

I've returned warframe after couple months, and I'm still trying to get used to the new desing. (The new navigation map and void is just WOW xD) There are 3 new

How do I tame a zombie horse?

How do I tame a zombie horse? I can't find them naturally, but when I spawn them in, I can't ride them... I do already know how to tame a Skellington horse, tho

How do I turn on the camera?

After I began Pokemon go, I clicked "no" if you want the camera to be on. I don't want to make a new account to activate it, so is there anyway to activate it a

How quickly do the hunters respawn?

Sometimes I feel that killed hunters respawn in the middle of a fight. How long do the hunters stay dead?

Why can't I connect to Pokemon Go via mobile data?

It connects to Pokemon Go via wi-fi perfectly fine, but when I try and connect to Pokemon Go via 3G it just gets stuck at the first bar on the loading screen wi

Can a revived hero contest a point?

When Mercy revives a hero or a group of heroes, if they are on a point, do they immediately begin contesting that point? It's difficult to tell whether it's Mer

How can people get to level 20 without a team?

I thought players must choose a team when they get to level 5, however I've seen high level accounts for sale on eBay without a team chosen. How is it possibl

Minecraft 1.8 Sign Command Help [duplicate]

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Command block said: Data tag parsing failed: Unbalanced Quotation: I am creating a sign in

Forgot login credentials, can I look up my account from my username?

My daughter has logged me out of my game and now I can't get back in. She signed me up, but has forgotten how she did it What can I do? I have tried google alre

Is it at all possible to get the Excalibur Prime frame if you did not participate in the Kickstarter?

One of my friends has been playing Warframe for a very long time, long enough that he has collected and maxed out every single frame, except for Excalibur Prime

How do you detect a player's death?

Can you use the /testfor command in Minecraft to detect if a player has died? I need it for my map, where two players are pitted against each other. I want it s

What is considered 'extreme ranges' for McCrees fall off damage?

McCrees buff says he keeps the same damage at long ranges but damage gets lower at extreme ranges. What is considered extreme ranges?

Fill and Replace command with prefilled dispenser?

I'm creating a TNT cannon with dispensers and a clock. It's a long tower of dispensers and after the cannon is done firing TNT, you have to painfully refill it

If I delete Pokémon GO and then reinstall it, will I have to start over at level 1?

I am curious, does Pokémon GO have its data saved on the phone, or is it stored on the web somewhere? If I were to delete the app and reinstall it, woul

Is it possible for a pokemon to have more than 2 moves? If not can it have 2 special move?

I'm still on a low-mid Trainer Level (lvl 20), have been reading a lot of posts lately, one is about the move sets. I usually read, people say that moves can be

How can I know if a Pokemon has reached its final stage of evolution in Pokemon Go?

If there is no "Evolve" button on a Pokemon, is it at its highest form? How do you know when it can't evolve anymore?

Does Reaper contest the point in his Wraith-form?

We just had a game where an enemy D.Va used her ult with six of us attackers on the point. Five of us ran away, while our Reaper stayed on the point using Wrai

Playing with the PS3 without Hard Drive.

Is it possible to play with the PS3 without the Hard Drive? I mean, like having and usb drive with the OS and some saves from the games? My Hard Drive is dying,

Can I get a Minecraft server level from a client?

I built a nice level, and now it's gone. But I remembered that someone connected to my computer when I opened to LAN and played for a while. Would the level b

Is it easier to beat a Pokemon that's twice as high at low or high CP values?

The situation is that myself and several friends are going around trying to capture some gyms. Some gyms are already on our team so we train them up in order fo

How can I make players share damage using command blocks?

I'm making an adventure map where I want players to share damage - when player 1 takes some amount of damage, player 2 will also get damaged that same amount. I